What a busy girl I am. Here is a list of things I must do.
Things to do today:
Make a tossed salad
Peel and cut potatoes
Sweep the kitchen floor
Fold two and half baskets of laundry
Decide what to pack for our trip to N.M.
Make the house look "pretty" because my in-laws are coming for dinner
Eat dinner with and entertain my in-laws
Clean the kitchen after they leave
Go to bed
Things to do tommorrow:
Go to church
Serve in the nursery 2nd service
Gripe because I have no birthday gift for my brother who turned 23
Have birthday lunch and dessert at Dave and Leta's house
Go to church again
Come home and eat leftovers
Iron Adam's work shirts and my pants
Go to bed
Things to do Monday:
Go to work and be a waitress
Come home and pack everything that didn't already get packed
Practice the piano songs that I am playing in Aunt Kathy's wedding
Tidy up the house
Buy a wedding present (maybe)
Eat more leftovers
Stress about whether or not I am forgetting anything
Go to bed
Things to do Tuesday:
Pack those last minute items and more clean underwear
Kiss Louis because Adam is taking him to Grandma's while I am still at work
Go to work and be a waitress
Feel much anxiety because I am afraid I will leave work later than intended
Drive very quickly home so I have time to take a shower
Go to Buffalo to Adam's Grandma's house
Go out to eat with Grandma and Grandpa
Get dropped off at the airport and then go to N.M.
Oh, so much to do. My brain is full.