Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Best Dog Toy in the World!

I have a great dog, but even great dogs can be naughty. I don't know how much money (and I don't want to know) she has wasted by chewing shoes, books, papers, tools, potatoes and any other thing that was left out in her reach while we were not home. Some things, like my leather bound Bible, were not left in her reach, and I'm not quite sure how she got a hold of it. But after much deliberation, I decided that I should try out an "acclaimed" doggy toy. I have a couple friends whose dog has a rubber Kong toy, but when I saw how expensive they were ($10.00), I put off getting one for Molly. But after seeing too many things thrown in the garbage, I forked out the money. I am here to tell you that the Kong is the best dog toy that I have ever seen. Molly carries it around with her wherever she goes and after a week and a half's worth of almost constant chewing, it seems to be almost indestructible. It's also very good for bouncing, if you don't mind playing catch with your dog for endless hours. And to top it off, you can put doggy treats or peanut butter inside of it, so your dog can spend even more time preoccupied. We should've invested the ten dollars in it last summer.


Martha said...

The Kong is also good for dropping on the head of another dog who Molly would like to annoy, like say... Jasmine. And if you throw it just right, the baby can get in on the game too!

When (and if) I get a puppy, maybe I'll have to buy one of those little ones.

Rachel said...

Koty loves his kong filled with peanut butter and then frozen! The only problem is that now whenever I take out the peanut butter he always thinks it's for him.

We will keep Koty in his crate while we're at work, until his chewing stage is past. I think that's around a year or so. I think that will save us some money...and he doesn't mind being in there as long as he has a drink and something to chew on!

Rachel said...

I guess I should have proof read that, too many "I thinks".

Bethany said...

I thinks that's a good idea Aunt Rachel :)

Priscilla said...

Sherman loves his kong. He really needs a new one as his is in pretty bad shape. It lasted a long time though!