Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chomping and Grinding

As of last Friday(ish), my little 5 1/2 month old boy is the proud owner of six, and I repeat, six teeth. Two bottom and four top. It doesn't seem right that a boy so young should have so much responsibility. To keep his teeth in good shape he must chew, grind, suck and bite with them. Nearly at all times, you can hear him grinding away, enjoying the new-found treasures in his mouth. One cannot stick their fingers in his mouth now, without a good chomping. My Father, on the other hand, has many years of practicing his toothy ways. He no longer will bite if you get too close nor does he grind his teeth. Except maybe when sleeping, I am not sure. Dad has rows and rows of gleaming whites and religiously brushes them before bed and upon waking up in the morning. I can only hope that Josh will take after his Grandpa when it comes to dental care.


Anonymous said...

You're father is a good man for keeping up with his teeth...hopefully he can teach Josh a thing or two.

Bethany said...

And my Dad days I always post about Josh...

Martha said...

And my Dad says... (Thats what she meant, I think.) Hey, I brush my pearly whites too!

Jessica Morris said...

He's got the same amount as Judah! I forget when Judah's 6th tooth came in, but he hasn't had any new ones in ages.
They do look so much different with those teeth in their mouths!!

Rachel said...

What a big boy he is, with all those teeth...and yes, with teeth comes more responsibility.I never nursed when my kids had teeth, but I'm quite sure it could be a painful experience. I'll bet Josh already knows what "no biting" means.

Bethany said...

He's been pretty nice to me so far, although he's had his mean moments! (Ouch!)

Mom, that is what I meant!