Now about those goals I had set....
I have gone to the gym twice a week for the past two weeks. (!) And I can run 3 miles in 30 minutes. Yes, you may think that stinks, but when I started I ran 2 miles in 30 minutes. Go me!!
I started reading A Family of Value by John Rosemond. If you have a family you should read it. I like it. A lot. So there. (Thanks for letting me read it Mom.)
I have written at least two blogs a week since I set my goals. (!)
I have learned
almost no new Spanish words. But my Mom has lent me some Spanish lessons on cd, which I started listening to in the car. I don't like them yet. But maybe I will learn to. I saw some Mexicans in the laundromat today and thought to myself I should give them some of my Spanish tracts. But that was after I walked past, so I didn't. I would've said, "Yo tengo muchos importante informacion para la vida en JesuCristo. Leer esto, por favor." And then I would hope they wouldn't ask me any questions.
Each week I have taken at least two photos of Josh. My goal was five new photos each week, but this week I have failed that. Two will have to suffice. It is better than none.
So there you go. I think that sums it up. Tomorrow we are visiting the church of some friends of ours. There will be a special speaker speaking on marriage and families. I am excited.