Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Good News!

Well, I want to tell before everyone finds out other ways (like Grandma's). I am eight and a half weeks pregnant. This is what my baby looks like this week. So far everything seems good. I haven't had an ultrasound yet, but I found this picture on the internet and found it to be AMAZING! My first appointment is next week and I'm hoping they do an ultrasound then. It would be so exciting! I had wanted to keep this a secret until my Dad's birthday, but he was getting so worried about me because I've been so sick... I had to tell him to set his heart at ease. Adam and I are both pretty excited, though at first I tried to keep my excitement to a low, because of my miscarriage in November. But now that people are finding out, I'm getting more excited. I think it's great when I tell my friends and they flip out with glee... So fun. I am finding out there are some things that a pregnant woman can be very grateful for. Like...

* the toilet- For two reasons. One when you have to go, and the other in the morning (or other times of day) when you need to peuk. Ugh.
* plastic produce bags in Wegmans- Very important when you have those peuking urges during the middle of grocery shopping. They can save you from at least some embarrassment!
* a friendly face while getting sick in Wegmans- So comforting to be with someone you know!
* a wonderful husband- One you will take care of you when you are sick all weekend. And rub your back when you leaning over the toilet. Again ugh.
* helpful concerned parents and in-laws- Those who will give you advice and assistance when you need it most. And hugs. Thanks!
* excited friends- They even help boost your excitement!!! They get so giddy when they find out.
* helpful co-workers- They watch your back and make sure you don't lift heavy things like the ice bucket. They also tell you all about everything. My boss's husband is 100% sure I'm having a boy. It's great when he tells me so, because he speaks broken English and I think it's so cute.
* the internet- Because you can look up any of your concerns and have the answers at your fingertips at any time of day or night.
* your prayers- It is so wonderful to have the prayers of people you love. I would absolutely love it if you all would keep me and our baby in your prayers for a healthy pregnancy free of complications. Thank you! I love you all!


Joe Fool said...


Shelly said...

YAY!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Yes, I am one of those 'giddy friends'. :) And I was thinking today as I was posting my blog entry wondering if I should say something about your mom being a grandma.... but I didn't. Will be praying for ya. :)

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

How awesome!!! I am so happy for you! See me doing a happy dance? LOL! I will keep you in my prayers!

Priscilla said...

Congratulations, dear! I'm sorry that you are so sick though!

Rachel said...

I have to admit, I was wondering if you were pregnant when I heard that you weren't feeling well. I was probably hoping. Congratulations!!! I hope you start feeling better soon. One thing that will make you sick in a real hurry is if you take your prenatal vitamins on an empty stomach, even if you eat something right after. I wish you the best!!

T said...

so fun........sorry your sick.
yes take your vits on a full stomach

Anonymous said...

Hello Bethy,Guess what I have a blogspot!!The only problem is, is that i am not sure how to use it.How do I make you my friend so we can talk back and forth??I thought I would leave you a little message about it and then you can call me back at your own lesure.Love ya Beth!!Congratulations!!
Oh and my address is

I know I know, I am not a brower yet but they would take stephaniesmith or stephaniekatherine
This works just fine don't you think!!
From your friend, Stephanie