Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Wednesday

So I went to the doctor for my consult appoinment today. I guess they won't end up doing an ultrasound till my 20th week (unless needed sooner). This kinda dissapointed me because I thought maybe they would do one earlier... like at 12 weeks or something. Oh well... But I do have to go for an exam in two weeks and then after that other exams and stuff. Today we talked about family history, appointments, classes, tests and various other things having to do with being pregnant. I also had some blood taken so they could do tests for HIV (good joke huh?), some sort of genetic thing that I don't have, and other reasons. The blood man took around eight viles of blood.... I thought he was going to take it all! But I didn't pass out and it was actually kind of neat seeing my blood go through the little tube. Yeah, I know... Weirdo! So that's the first of Dr's appointments. I suppose they'll get more... interesting?

What do you do with unwanted juror summons? I'm supposed to be available for jury duty form April 23-28. Agh! I don't want to deal with that! I'll be moving sometime around then and should be packing and stuff prior to moving. And after I move, I'll no longer be a resident of Monroe County. It says you can postpone it once, so maybe I'll try that. I'm just not sure how to do it. It might be neat to be a juror once, but not now. I'm too busy! Maybe someone can adjust my attitude for me?


Martha said...

Oh yeah! Fun, fun, Dr. appointments! After the initial visit they'll just take a "sample", weigh you, poke your finger, and listen to the baby's heartbeat every time and ask if you have any questions or concerns. Not too difficult... and you get to look through all those cool parenting magazines while you wait!

Shelly said...

Ugh! JURY DUTY!!! I've been called like 3 times. Two times I managed to get out of it cuz I was the full time caregiver of young kids. Next time I called and my number wasn't needed and so I'm off the hook for several years cuz it's as if I had actually done it. But I don't think it's ever convenient. I know some people LOVE it... Guess I have a bad attitude too huh?!

Rachel said...

I also got out of it twice when we lived in Gananda. The 2nd time we were in the middle of moving here, out of the county. I don't remember what happened the 1st time. If you tell them you're in the process of moving to a different county I'll bet they let you off.
Yeah the 1st couple Drs. appts. are kinda boring, but they do get more exciting as the baby grows and your tummy begins to bulge. The worst part for me was standing on the scale around the 6th month or so, I gained most of my weight then. They don't poke your finger every time, least they didn't do that to me. I would have hated that. Pregnancy is fun, a very cool experience! Hey, maybe I'll have another one...just kidding!

Rachel said...

"the blood man", you're so cute!

Anonymous said...

Did that "blood man" have unusually large canine teeth by any chance? That seems like a lot of blood to take. So when do you get the results of your HIV test? :)

Bethany said...

I dunno when I get the results... That HIV one realy has me worried! Do blood people actually have titles like Dr or nurse?

I'm thinkin I can get out of jury duty cause we will be in the process of moving. I just have to call and make sure!

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Oh boy what fun you will be having. I am sure you will soon be tired of all the appointments!

Rachel said...

I think people who take blood are called Phlebotomists.( I'm not sure how to spell it.)

Priscilla said...

I just hope you are not rh-negative. I am, which means extra tests and shots!

Have fun!

Rachel said...

Priscilla, I didn't know you were RH neg.

Jessica Morris said...

CONGRATS!!! I found out the babies gender at 19.5 weeks. There was NO way I could be patient and wait to find out!!

If you're feeling queasy try Altoid's ginger things - they worked for me!!

Congrats again!!