Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Pregnant Story

So this is my pregnant story for the day:

This morning, bright and early, I was to have an ultrasound done. I was supposed to drink 16 oz of water before going in, which isn't really all that much. Except when you get confused and think that one bottle of water is 9 oz and therefore you should drink two bottles. Yikes! Then you really have to pee. So you go in with your hubby and your eyes are just brimming, cause you really have to go. No one is really aware of the pain you are in, because they all assumed that you drank just 16 oz. I lay down and the ultrasound began and there was our little baby with it's little toes and fingers and even a nose. So cool. And then there is my bladder. "Oh my goodness! Your bladder is really full! You must really need to go..." "I thought I was supposed to drink 16 oz before coming!?!" "Honey, 16 oz is two cups." "Ohhh!" "Quick, get up and go to the bathroom." "Thank you!!!" Yeah, that was embarrassing. What 21 year old thinks that 16 oz is really double that? Um, DORK! Anyway, when I got back, baby had turned upside down so we couldn't see the face anymore. The spine was neat and so was the brain, but not quite as beautiful as the face would've been. So we didn't get any good pictures. But the technician couldn't get a good look at all the parts of the heart, so we get to go back in four weeks for another look. This time with less peeing involved and hopefully a more co-operative baby. What was cute was Adam poking my belly... "Move baby, move!"

Second edition to my story is my Dr.'s appointment. My weight this week is 134. Five weeks ago it was 124. Uh-oh, too much. I don't feel fat and I had no idea that I had gained ten pounds over the past five weeks! When did this happen and where have I put it? Well, the Dr said that this was too much to gain in five weeks, even though it only brought the total weight gain up to 11 pounds. "You must be doing something wrong," she said, "Eating too late, too many desserts or too many carbs." (Thanks for the pie Mom!) So I leave the office feeling like poop because I'm fat. Worse yet is, after another visit to the potty before I leave, I catch a glimpse of my face in the mirror. Hmm, it does look kinda chubby and my pants are really squeezing me today... I must really be getting fat! Isn't that how the brain works? Forget about seeing the baby on the ultrasound and become overwhelmed feeling fat! How very silly, but none-the-less, this is how it went.

Well, I had to return some goods to Eckerds on the way to work after the appointment and
I was feeling pretty low. Leta (my sister in-law) works at Eckerds and since her car was there I looked for her. She comes around the corner and I ask, "Leta, am I fat?" She says, "Yeah, you are fat..." And she pats my tummy. "That's what the Dr said. I gained ten pounds in the last five weeks." "Oh!" She says. "Your face isn't fat and neither are your arms!" I don't remember exactly how it went, but I was an emotional pregnant woman, and pretty soon there were tears brimming in my eyes. And there they went, onto my cheeks. And I couldn't believe I was crying in Eckerds. But Leta didn't care and she did her best to reassure me and even called out, "I love you!" when I was walking out the door. After spilling some tears, I felt much better and was even ready to go into work. If I hadn't spilled some tears in Eckerds, I would've felt like it at work and that would've been most embarrassing. Oh, what a girl I am. And what a blonde. A pregnant blonde at that.


Jessica Morris said...

Who cares what the doctor thinks about your weight gain!! I am sorry the dr made you feel bad!!

Are you wanting to find out the babies gender??

You have to post a belly picture!!

Jessica Morris said...

Ohhh - thanks for that muffin mix! looks yummy! I will have to try it!

Martha said...

Oh my darling, you are not fat, you are beautiful. What a sneeky baby you have to turn around so no one could see whther it was a boy or a girl.

When I had my ultrasounds they made us drink way more water than 16 oz. I think it was more like 32 oz. YIKES! I couldn't sit still and my eyes were floating all the way to the office. Then, because I'm so uncomfortable, they say something like, "You can go in and release some water. Start going, count to 5, and then stop." Now that is a wonderful joke! Like trying to turn off Niagara Falls. Ultrasounds were never much fun. Cool, but not fun.

I'm glad you found Leta at Eckerd's. She's my favorite daughter in law!

Rachel said...

Oh Bethany, I cried just reading your last paragraph. I can sympathize with you so much. It was such a short time ago that I was in the same position you are. Don't feel bad, it'll come off. I gained 40 lbs. total with Steven (my ankle was broken so I couldn't move around too easy, but boy could I eat!)
I'm so glad you got to see your little one, and all seems well! Are you feeling lots of movement now?

Rachel said...
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Rachel said...

Martha- I just told Dave, "Hey, I had to drink 32 oz!" I remember them telling me to go to the bathroom, but just a still felt like a relief to get that much out.

Bethany- You really don't look fat at all, I think you look fantastic. I think your Dr. just wants you to be careful.

Priscilla said...

We definitely had to drink way more than that and I remember them telling me to only release "some" too. Hahahahahahaha!!!!! I also remember when it came time for baby #3, I didn't drink as much as they said and they never said a thing. The ultrasound still worked fine.

Don't worry too much about the weight. I remember the doctor telling me I had gained too much in a short time too, but in the end I ended up gaining an ok amount overall. Just be careful from here on out. Maybe baby really needed that weight!

Let's see...when did I see you last? You looked fine to me!

judi/Gmj said...

You are not looking fat!! Youse is lookin' pregers!! How sweet you story is. Now, what did the Doc say about walking? :) Did ya ask? Hummm?

Erica said...

Hi Bethany,

Long-time reader, first-time commenter. I loved your story. When I was 13 I drank too much for an ultrasound (NO, I wasn't pregnant) and it was horrible! I thought I was going to wet myself! :(

I saw some pictures of you at your mum's blog and you look great! You don't look fat! Thought some non-family perspective might help :)

God Bless,


Bethany said...

Thanks... I suppose I'll just be more careful from here on out. I don't want to gain 10 pounds every five weeks for the next 20 weeks.... Then I'd be quite large :)I do feel better today and when I told Adam about the Dr saying I gained too much, he thought it was silly. So at least he still thinks I'm beautiful.

judi/Gmj said...

Beth, are you working full time?
I get as confused as your auntie :)
If so forget the comments on walking. Arrg.

Bethany said...

I'm working at least three days a week, though this week it's five. Usually my feet hurt so bad at the end of the day! I think it's time for new shoes... I probably should do some other type of exercise too though, walking around at work doesn't always cut it. Maybe I should get rid of these flabby legs before I put on too much weight :)

judi/Gmj said...

Flabby legs? STOP! you are not to worry about fat. I did not do anything but eat when I was Preg. with T. so it is MY paranoia about exercise. You lead a much more active lifestyle than I did. I am sure you are in good health and good physical shape and will have a wonderful pregnancy and labor. YOU are NOT to FUSS about FAT. Let's focus on names PLEASE !!
That is all the yelling I can do, my fingers hate typing in caps!! :o)

Bethany said...

Gmj, you are too cute :)

I was thinking up some good names last night in my sleep, but if I tell everyone then they'll either hate them or be dissapointed when I change my mind again.

Adam is pretty mad that I don't want to find out what the baby is... He really wants to know!

Priscilla said...

He'll get over it eventually (like in late October!)

Rachel said...

Adam- Uncle Dave says the anticipation is greater not knowing. It's like waiting until Christmas to open the present!

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

oh poop on the doctor! LOL! Hang in there girl1 huggles!

Anonymous said...

Oh Bethy....I think you are looking quite beautiful!!Don't worry.

Anonymous said...

Check my page!!I posted lots!!!