Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Garden Addendums

I just want to say that I am loving that it rained today. I was so thoroughly happy to have rain. It hadn't rained since midweek last week or longer and my garden soil was dry, real dry. This year, as I may have said already, I have been working on making raised garden beds. They were finished this past weekend and filled with peat moss, compost, vermiculite and other goodies for growing. My only problem was that packaged, store bought soil addendums are very dry and dusty. I needed rain. I still haven't been able to plant my early peas or spinach because of that reason and also that my boxes are not very full. It costs a lot of money to buy good growing soil... *sigh* Maybe, I will just plant in the boxes as is this year and use the "lasagna gardening" method as I go year by year.

Anyway, this is a picture of my sad looking garden. It'll look beautiful soon! I'll have to take "after" pictures.


Wanda said...

It will be fun watching your garden grow. I like your idea of the raised boxes.

I need to get busy in my little patch of dirt.

Martha said...

Where did you put the leaf mulch?

Martha said...

Must fill garden boxes. They are not worth having if you don't fill them up.

Jessica said...

Thanks for the painting tip - they look super cute painted white!!

And we should have a growing contest... ready, set, GROW! :)