Saturday, April 09, 2011

A Sunny Day Outing

I woke up to a beautiful, sunny day, and my mind began to run with all the things I could get done outside on such a gorgeous day. It was difficult for me to quell those thoughts, as my stay-at-home time is limited, but an outing had been planned by husband and son and I didn't want to miss out on family time just to spend it with some dirt. Josh had gone to bed the night before chattering about feeding carrots to the cows at Lollypop Farm and he woke up talking about it too. So I tucked my thoughts about raised garden beds into my back pocket and clambered into the car with my men. Grandma Jo and Grandpa Bob were meeting us at the "farm" and Grandma Jo was bringing her carrots. Unfortunately for the carrots, upon arriving, we found that we were not allowed to feed the animals. But we wandered the paths admiring the horses, pigs, emus, goats, cows, and ducks and we were even able to get up close and personal with the goats. Josh had such a ball playing with the goats. There were a couple kids (of the goat type) in the group of goats that were quite friendly. They came right up to us and nibbled on my coat. The not-quite-as-friendly goats were chased by a small boy, and I'm not sure who was having more fun, Josh or the goat being chased! I thankful that I had my camera along as I was able to get several good photos of the kids playing together, the goat kind and the human kind...


Martha said...

Now that sounds like so much more fun than grocery shopping. I am liking Grandma Jo more and more all the time!

Heather said...

I love the picture of Josh with his goat friend! What a fun day!