Saturday, October 28, 2006

Flat Stanley

This is Flat Stanley. He was sent visiting from my 2nd grade cousin Alicia. I am supposed to report our adventures back to Alicia at school. It is a shame that he arrived the day after we left for Albuquerque, or he could've gone to New Mexico with us. Instead I didn't find Stanley in the mail until we returned. We scanned him into the computer though, and had my grandma (who is a professional photographer) put him in pictures as if he really did go. (We're good at pretending.) She made him standing on rocks, riding the tram up the mountain, hiking through the forest, shopping in Santa Fe and etc. He will probably go on real adventures with us too, but I'm not all that exciting... usually. We'll just have to see what we can come up with. Maybe he can go grocery shopping with me, or out to eat, maybe even to work (which he did) or to the library. Sounds exciting! Okay, what we really need is a good adventure... to the moon or someplace cool like that. Where do you think Stanley and I should go?

Thursday, October 26, 2006

A Start: Albuquerque at a Glance

Here are my first set of N.M. pictures. They aren't neccesarily in the proper order, but here they are none-the-less. We had such an awesome time with the family down there. The wedding was beautiful (although I cried more at the rehearsal than I did at the actual wedding). I played piano during the beginning and when they walked down the isle. I absolutley murdered the processional (Canon in D). I played it worse than ever before. *blush* But Auntie Kathy didn't even notice. Sight seeing was also great. The mountains beautiful, the hieghts terrific, the mesa spectacular, eveything was georgeous. We had such a wonderful time, even if we almost rolled off a cliff in Uncle Mike's suburban. That was quite exciting. Maybe I'll tell the story in more detail later.

A Finish: Albuquerque at a Glance

Adam seemed to enjoy himself. At first he said "There's nothing to do here." But I think he changed his mind later. He loved going to Calvary Chapel Albuquerque. He was singing along with all the worship songs that I didn't know. I think Adam taught everyone at Auntie Kim's house how to play euchre. We played almost non-stop when we were there.
When I went back to work today, people were asking me why I came back and making jokes that I wasn't as smart as I looked because I did come back. Yes, New Mexico is a great place to visit and it is SO wonderful to see all the family we have down there. There are many beautiful sights and things that we didn't have time to do. But there is no place like home. Even if it is cold and wet in NY. Brrr. Where'd our sunshine go?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Going Away

Leaving today to New Mexico. Don't anyone miss me too much. I send you all my love! Maybe I will still blog this week, because Auntie Kim has the internet. We shall see. But if not, I'll be back next Wednesday... with pictures!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Like Abe Lincoln

I took a "what famous world leader are you" test and this is the result.

(Picture of Abe Lincoln) You are a mild mannered assasination victim. You are Abe Lincoln. You have a peaceful nature and are good at mediating disputes with the exception of the occasional bloody civil war.

Wow. I felt quite honored to be in the same class as Abraham Lincoln. I just HAD to blog about it.

Many Things To Do

What a busy girl I am. Here is a list of things I must do.

Things to do today:
Make a tossed salad
Peel and cut potatoes
Sweep the kitchen floor
Fold two and half baskets of laundry
Decide what to pack for our trip to N.M.
Make the house look "pretty" because my in-laws are coming for dinner
Eat dinner with and entertain my in-laws
Clean the kitchen after they leave
Go to bed

Things to do tommorrow:
Go to church
Serve in the nursery 2nd service
Gripe because I have no birthday gift for my brother who turned 23
Have birthday lunch and dessert at Dave and Leta's house
Go to church again
Come home and eat leftovers
Iron Adam's work shirts and my pants
Go to bed

Things to do Monday:
Go to work and be a waitress
Come home and pack everything that didn't already get packed
Practice the piano songs that I am playing in Aunt Kathy's wedding
Tidy up the house
Buy a wedding present (maybe)
Eat more leftovers
Stress about whether or not I am forgetting anything
Go to bed

Things to do Tuesday:
Pack those last minute items and more clean underwear
Kiss Louis because Adam is taking him to Grandma's while I am still at work
Go to work and be a waitress
Feel much anxiety because I am afraid I will leave work later than intended
Drive very quickly home so I have time to take a shower
Go to Buffalo to Adam's Grandma's house
Go out to eat with Grandma and Grandpa
Get dropped off at the airport and then go to N.M.

Oh, so much to do. My brain is full.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Selfish Motive

There is no need to fear.

The barn sale went okay. I think it could've gone better because there are still things in the barn that ought to have gone. I am realizing that I am very selfish. Why else would I want to keep an old rickety desk that I picked up off the side of the road? I hadn't touched it a year, don't have room for it in my house, and probably wouldn't ever find time to fix it up nice. I had put it in the sale with a tag saying $20. Our neighbor came by and saw it and decided to bring her friend by (who refinishes things and fixes 'em up nice) to see it. When I heard this. I wasn't so sure I wanted to part with it. I put a sold sticker on it and waited. Sure enough they came back and the lady liked what she saw. We explained I wasn't so sure that I really wanted to sell. She said I could think on it and she would be back. Why am I so selfish? Well, they came back the next day and I gave in to their barters. $27 dollars for the desk, some tiki torches (with oil) and an old motor. They would come back later with their money. (Who goes to a barn sale intending to buy something, but doesn't bring any money?) They didn't return that evening and I was tempted to take the desk and run for it. But I didn't. The couple did finally come on Sunday for their desk, tiki torches and old motor. Ah, God is good to relieve me of those worldy things that just weigh me down. Anyway, there will always be other cool, old stuff on the edge of the road for me to pick up.

If you need any dishes, go to Mom's house. She has two sets of them for sale in the barn. And two dressers and a few end tables... and some clothes... and two bikes. And more! We should have another sale.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Please Comment Here

For anyone who reads my blog but doesn't comment, please comment on this post. I like to know who you are and what attracts you from the midwest to N.Y. Everyone has blog friends but me... Or do I, but just don't know it? I would like a blog friend. I feel so inferior without one.

Wanted: A Clean Heart

Well, the big barn sale starts tomorrow. No, we're not selling the barn. (Answer to many people's questions.) It has been consuming my thought life lately. How to answer questions, where to direct people, how to attract people, what to do when I'm bored, what if no one comes, on and on. I guess I don't have to worry that no one will come because I am told that a man came to look at the two wheel tractor today when the sale starts tomorrow. He wasn't going to be able to come tomorrow. I guess the ad in the paper did help. Let's just hope that things do sell and that we don't have to bargain down too much. Although, that might seem greedy. But we still have to pay for a trip to N.M. Blah, blah, blah. No one wants to hear this.
Anyway, everyone can pray for me because I feel like a real brat today. On the outside I'm sweet, but on the inside I'm grouchy. So I must depend on the Lord to give me joy because hubby's home and he doesn't like a crabby wife. I guess, when I talk to people I don't feel grouchy, but when I'm alone and I have inside conversations with myself, then all the yuck is displayed. I need a clean heart today. It's a good thing I know who gives clean hearts away for free.