Thursday, October 05, 2006

Please Comment Here

For anyone who reads my blog but doesn't comment, please comment on this post. I like to know who you are and what attracts you from the midwest to N.Y. Everyone has blog friends but me... Or do I, but just don't know it? I would like a blog friend. I feel so inferior without one.


Anonymous said...

Bethany, I read your blogs! It catches me up with you and your Mom. I am hoping to get mine up and running, but I haven't quite done that yet. It's a lot easier to read them, than to make one of my own. I will have to enlist the help of my computer-smart son or husband.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, maybe you wouldn't know which Heather it was. It's Heather Hester formerly of Ontario, NY!!!!!!!

Bethany said...

Yea! I know you! I love you and miss you all so much! When are you coming to visit???

Anonymous said...

I just don't know when we will be there to visit. Did you get to talk to Ashleigh lately? I know you called and did you ever get to connect with each other?

Bethany said...

Not really... Sent her a text or something. Haven't talked with her though. Have her call when she gets a chance. It would be great to hear from her... I'd love to visit you all someday, just don't know when... Tell evryone I said "hi!"

Anonymous said...

Hello my dear! I am Michelle and thought I would ckeck out your blog. I enjoyed it! pleased to meet you. i will be back!

Anonymous said...

I read your blogs, lets me know who you really are?

Anonymous said...

Hello. I was here. Checking out more of Martha and Priscilla's relations. I had to read your 51 list!

Bethany said...

Hmm. A stranger from the east, eh? Makes me wonder...

Shelly said...

Do I count as a blog friend??? I know I'm not from anywhere exotic or anything... And I don't suppose I comment all that often... But I do poke around from time to time and enjoy your posts!

Bethany said...

Well, I suppose I do have blog friends, even if most of them are friends or relatives from real life. Thank you for visiting my blog Tracy and Michelle... Where are the Ozarks anyway? It's been a while since I read about "Rose from the Ozarks". Maybe that is why I have a big red dot in the midwest (on my visitors map)...