Saturday, September 08, 2007

Ready For My Baby

Here I am again... Sorry for the lapse in time, but I'm sure you understand. Adam and I have started child birth classes, which are every Wednesday evening through the end of September. I am finding them quite helpful, though I don't think I'll ever get the "breathing" thing right. We're supposed to be practicing. Did anyone ever find the rhythmic breathing to be actually helpful? Sometimes it makes me light-headed...

The stinky carpet in the baby's room has finally been replaced, so now we can start setting things up in the room and get everything organized. Actually, I started as soon as I got home today. Thursday I had picked up the crib which my boss had given me, so I put that together. After it was set up, it was very strange to see it standing there and to know that very soon we would have a little person living with us and sleeping in that crib. A house guest of sorts. Adam and I will no longer have the house to ourselves. But I suppose we'll learn how to share and we'll enjoy it. I also picked up the changing table which was given to me, so that is now in the room. I wish I could take pictures to show you how the room looks, but I still have not replaced the camera cord which my puppy ate in July. It's kind of emotional to sit in there knowing that our little baby will be here soon and all this stuff is for him or her. Wow...

Anyway, I also have been being adventurous in my living room. Wednesday I picked out some paint (without any help) for the walls. I chose two different colors, so one wall could be an accent wall. Yesterday, while the carpet guys were here putting in carpet, my sister Hannah and I painted three of the walls in the living room. I saved the last for another day. I am so pleased with the results and Adam said he was proud of me for taking the initiative and doing this all by myself. Suppose I usually have to check with him to make sure he approves, but he likes it when I don't have to check with him about everything. I've been trying to get my projects all done before the baby comes. We'll see how far I get, especially since one of those projects includes reupholstering an old chair I've had for years. I ordered fabric, so that's at least a start!

So you can see why blogging hasn't been at the top of my list, even though I'm sure everyone wants to know how baby is and to make sure I'm behaving myself. Baby's good and I've been good too. I've got seven weeks left till my due date and my next Dr's appointment is next Friday. She'll probably complain about my weight again and ask me if I eat too many carbs, sweets, or too late at night. I'll say that it's been five and half weeks since you saw me last and that I think I've done pretty good. (Only four pounds added so far since last time.) I probably should make a dentist appointment, seeing as they were after me last month and I'll never get to it if I put it off too long. *sigh* It seems like there is so much to do... I'm ready to hold my baby.


Heather said...

Bethany, this is all so exciting. The room, the furniture, thinking about your little baby living in that room. Enjoy every minute. I can't wait until we can see some pictures of the baby's room.

Martha said...

You sure have been busy the last couple days, even taking time to help your mom clean her house for the baby shower! You need to take my new camera home with you and take some pictures.

I've heard tell that the "breathing" helps keep you distracted from the contractions. I don't know, I never had a chance to take classes... Someone else will have to help you answer that question.

I can't wait to hold your new baby either.

Rachel said...

What an exciting time for you! I remember taking those classes, but I don't remember if it helped or not. I was asking uncle Dave and he said it didn't help him. Lol! What color did you and Hannah paint the living room? We still haven't painted our accent wall...but we talk about it.
I wish you had a camera that worked so I could see the baby's room. You going to get that fixed before he/she comes?

See you tomorrow!

Bethany said...

My camera still works, but I can't download pictures onto the computer without the cord. A new cord is around thirty dollars and I just haven't felt like forking over the money yet. I suppose I will once I have a REALLY good reason to... Like having a baby or something of that nature :)

Martha said...

Okay, everybody check your drawers for old computer cords. maybe somebody has one that will work. (I hope I didn't throw the right one out today. I'll have to check.)

Shelly said...

All I remember about the classes were - "Envision the Peony" (sp????) That was what the teacher told us over and over and over again to do. UGH! We had a pathetic teacher and didn't find it helpful at all - but my Brother and Sister in Law had a GREAT class and said they learned TONS!! When I was in labor I counted forwards and said the alphabet backwards - every other like 1, Z, 2, Y, 3, X, etc... it was difficult enough that it kept my mind off of the pain a little bit....

Priscilla said...

I'm not sure if it helped or not. Actually, my doctor helped me breathe right. I suppose it helped. In any case the kids all got here!

You have a lot more things to put in the room now!