Tuesday, September 19, 2006

"Cumming" to my Past

Last Saturday was a good day for hiking. Initially Adam had wanted to go to Letchworth Park, but after we got on the road we decided to go to Cummings Nature Center in Naples, NY. We had invited Jim along to keep us company and he liked the idea of going to Cummings. (He goes many places with us... he's like our best friend!) I hadn't been to Cummings Nature Center since I was very, very small. I think Joe or Nate was still a baby. Anyway it was in the deepest portion of my memories... I was never sure where we had gone in that memory but I had always wanted to go back. It was like walking into the past when we got there... like living a dream. We didn't go down the same trail that we did when I was younger, but the building was the same and... oh, it was pretty neat anyway. So the three of us walked the trails. We saw the beaver pond, which was quite pretty. So many lily pads! But no beavers. We did see a few chipmunks though (not in the pond of course) and lots of bugs. They didn't really bother us much. There was also many mushrooms of all kinds. It was very moist in the woods. Jim and I took many pictures. Maybe I'll post more in the future. After our nature hike, we took a drive into the village of Naples and bought a grape pie. I had never had grape pie before and was quite impressed with the taste. SOOO good! Adam also bought some concord grapes from a road side stand. He really liked those, but they weren't my favorite. I found them to be sweet at first yet sour in the middle. And the seeds were just too much! They were encased in the center and very hard for me to seperate and spit out. Adam still had them gone in no time.
We drove on home to eat our pie and then we headed back out (Jim was still with us) for dinner. We had a coupon for The India House (which was expired unbeknownst to us at the time) so we went there. I had never had Indian food before, so it was quite the treat. Adam and I ordered a platter to share and a bowl of muligatwny soup, while Jim ordered a lamb and spinach dish. (Uh-oh... spinach!) I really enjoyed our food and the basmati rice that came with it was real good. Jim's food ended up looking like this strange goup. It was brown and thick looking. He said he liked it, but it didn't look too good. I tasted it though, and it was actually okay. Better mixed with rice, but good. So that was fun and different. It's always fun to go elsewhere and try new things.
It was a good Saturday with Jim and my hubby.


Priscilla said...

Jamie has always wanted to try the India House Restaurant. Haven't been to Cummings in awhile. One of the kids always seems to go there on a field trip sometime during the schol year. I knew it was Cummings as soon as I opened to your blog page...even before I read it. That first photo was a give-away!

Rachel said...

I don't think I've ever been there. It looks beautiful!

Bethany said...

It was indeed quite beautiful.


Martha said...

Sounds like a good day to me. Glad to know Jim is spending some time with the two of you.

Anonymous said...

What does bigdh mean?

Bethany said...

it means big dahdy... or big duh... or sumpin like that...
