Saturday, September 02, 2006

Preying Mantis: Endangered?

Can you see him? He's putting up his fierce claws as if he's defending himself or about to fight. We found him in our living room, climbing the curtains like he owned the place. Adam said, "What is that?" We rescued him from our indoors (and our cat) and set him free. Preying mantis are often thought to be an endangered species, but I looked that up and found that it is not true. Oops, because I recently told some young friends of mine that they were. Josiah, one of the kids I was teaching for the last 5 1/2 months, caught one not too long ago and brought it in to show us. They really are quite neat little insects. God's variety is amazing. I remember the first time I saw a preying mantis. I was pretty young, and had taken a walk to the town library with my Mom and siblings. We found one on our way and Mom told us how they were endangered and illegal to kill. I always thought they were since then. Why would anyone want to kill them anyways? They are good for gardens and eat many pesty bugs, so maybe that's why the rumor started that they were endangered. I guess no harm was done in believing they were endangered, it kept us from squashing them, right? But now I feel more informed, and I'll probably correct myself and let those kids know the real truth.
Speaking of the kids, my last day as teacher was on Friday :( Coe, Bethany, Noami, Joe, Rebekah, Katherina, Megan and I have become good friends over the past months. Although I won't be seeing them weekly anymore, I don't think that our friendship will end. Monthly visit should be in order as well as continuing contact via the U.S.P.S. They have taught me alot and hopefully I have also taught them alot. I know there has been good progress and hopefully they will continue in the upward climb (which I am sure they will) with their new teacher this fall.


Martha said...

I wonder how many preying mantis lives have been saved by that little story. I know someone told me that it was against the law to kill them. I guess they were misinformed also. Oh well, no harm done and many mantis lives saved.

Rachel said...

I never heard that they were endangered. I guess my big sister didn't get a chance to tell me that "lie". Good thing I never killed any. I don't like to kill bugs unless they are a pain like flies and misquitos, or they can hurt me, like bees.

James Austin said...

Is it against the law to pick a jack-in-the-pulpit?

Bethany said...

"Is it against the law to pick a jack-in-the-pulpit?"

Hmm, I loked this up. Jack-in-the-pulpits are apparently endangered, though I did not see anywhere that it is illegal to pick them. Good question.