Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Day Three of my Novel

Hey there all you faithful blog readers... We have now come to day three of my five day weekend. Monday was rather bland compared to Saturday and Sunday. I slept in for the first time since Saturday... and then I started cleaning my house. After blogging of course. I washed clothes and hung them out to dry, cleaned my bathroom (including the bathtub), washed stacks of dishes and made the bed. Not much cleaning, I guess. I didn't even get the floor vacuumed, which I am planning to do either today or tomorrow. It was a nice relaxing morning. I had a leftover hamburger for lunch and some old scalloped potatoes that I had made last week. They sat heavy in my stomach for at least an hour. While washing dishes, I noticed many ants crawling over my counter tops. Yuck. I smushed them. Early in the afternoon, I took myself over to the bank, the post office, the local Verizon Wireless store (to no avail), and to Target. At Target I bought shaving cream (I had run out that morning and had to use Adam's on the other leg... smelled kinda like a man for a few hours), a polka-dotted scarf (once in a while I splurge and buy me something pretty), some note cards (to make a graduation card out of) and some ant traps for those little ants who think they own the counter top. It was a very random trip to Target... meaning I seemed to buy very random things, but all of which are very useful. Except the scarf. That is merely pretty and fun to wear.
After my Target shopping, I went to Katie's graduation party down at the park. It was rather boring. I suppose graduation parties usually are boring. Good thing Jim was there. I like having him around... then I can be his shadow. I only shadowed him a little. Mostly I sat and listened to Stanley's conversations with those around him. He does make interesting conversations. Also, I played with Josh and Abbey. They are 4 and 2 years old and also make for interesting conversation. I shared my dinner with Josh. He ate half my pasta. I didn't mind sharing... as I did tell him he could share my plate. Neither of us were very hungry when we went through the dinner line. So we only took little bits. After eating, Josh wanted to go down to the creek. So Abbey, Josh and I walked all the way down to the creek and Josh had a great time throwing rocks in. I told him about crayfish and he told me how he saw some at Wegmans. Abbey kept saying, "Pick me up." By then she had dirty feet and I didn't want to pick her up too close. So we walked back up to the party and then I went home. I did bring Adam a piece of cake. He couldn't come to the party because he had to work and when he got home he didn't even know where the party was. So he stayed home and ordered pizza. And that is the end of day three. Now I'm on day four... but it's not over yet so you'll have to wait. Oh, and Happy Independence Day!

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