Saturday, October 04, 2008

"Rise and Pray"

Luke 22:46 And He said to them, "Why do you sleep? Rise and pray, lest you enter into temptation."

I read this verse yesterday during my daily reading. Jesus says this to His disciples in the garden right before His betrayal and usually I read it in that context. But this time the Lord showed me that He was not only speaking to His disciples here, but also to us. How many times have I lain in bed in the morning wanting a few more moments of sleep, when the Lord is calling me to rise and seek Him? So often... I could feel the prick in my heart when I read it. Oh Lord, do you mean me too? You want me to wake out of sleep, rise early and pray? How He desires that fellowship with me! He longs for me to greet Him while the day is still young! During the wee hours of this morning, I tossed and turned, sleep avoiding me at great lengths. This verse ran over and over in my mind... "Rise and pray", Rise and pray"... It was only 5:15, but I was wide awake. I climbed out of bed and answered the Lord's calling. His Words are always sweet and I should've lingered longer... How He wants us to seek His face. So, I encourage you, and please encourage me too (as I hate getting out of bed sooner than I need to), to "Rise and pray, lest we enter into temptation".

Ask me how it goes tomorrow.


Heather said...

Thank you Bethany. What a great reminder.

Martha said...

Getting up early has never been one of my strengths... although it is an absolutely gorgeous time of day. I need to go to bed earlier.

How did you do?

Wanda said...

Following the Lord's lead in the early morning hours is so refreshing.

The picture of Joshua is so cute, I remember my kids sleepig that way.

Bethany said...

Sunday I slept in. (Ooops) But Monday I was able to answer the Lord's call, even though I did go back to sleep :)

Jessica Morris said...

Bethany, that is a great encouragement! It is so hard to get up while the boys are still sleeping... bleh, I hate thinking about getting up early... but really, the days I do get up early and really spend time praying and reading the Bible are the days that go well. thanks for posting this... and how'd you do today? ;)

Bethany said...

Horrible today! Didn't want to get out of bed at all!